
Justin Spencer

Head of Food + Beverage


street cred | I started in the biz at 13 as a dishwasher at Shades Cafe on Lake Travis and have been working in hospitality ever since. I've worked almost every role in a restaurant from server to service director at Craftsteak NY, bartender to beverage director at Craftsteak NY/Colicchio & Sons. Working in fine dining in NYC was one of the most interesting learning experiences in my career. It was like getting a Master's Degree in hospitality.

education | B.A. in Theatre, UT Austin and WSET Level Three Certification with Distinction

superpowers | Empathy, BBQ, finding the silver lining in things

hospitality philosophy | Treat everyone the way that you would like to be treated. Invest your time, energy, and attention into those around you and you will receive the same.

psst...Not to brag or anything but Justin also won 18th best brisket in the WORLD at the Barbeque Cooking Contest in Memphis, TN with his competitive bbq team Ribdiculous Barbecrew.